Saturday, December 14, 2013

Greece: Golden Dawn stages anti-mosque rally in Athens

Athens, Greece, 14 December 2013.

Several hundred supporters of the Golden Dawn far-right party gathered and marched in Athens in protest over the planned construction of a mosque in the Greek capital.
Athens is the only European Union capital without an official mosque.
After the gathering Golden Dawn supporters marched in Athens for the first time  since the murder of the anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas , who was stabbed to death by a Golden Dawn member.

Far right Golden Dawn supporters protest against the construction of the official mosque of the Greek capital waving Greek flags. A male protester is seen here as he waves a giant Greek flag.
Far-right Golden Dawn supporters gather to protest in the Elaionas area of Athens, where the official mosque of the Greek capital is planned to be constructed.
Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kasidiaris delivers a speech to protesters against the construction of a mosque in the Greek capital.
Golden Dawn MP Giorgos Germenis delivers a speech to supporters who had gathered to protest in the Elaionas area of Athens, where the official mosque of the Greek capital is planned to be constructed.
During the rally MP Ilias Panagiotaros (L), speaks with MP Eleni Zaroulia (R) and the parliamentary candidate of the Golden Dawn party Themis Skordeli (M) .
Far right Golden Dawn supporters wave Greek flags as they protest against the construction of the official mosque in the capital, Athens.
Far-right Golden Dawn supporters gather to protest in the Elaionas area of Athens, where the official mosque of the Greek capital is planned to be constructed.
Far right Golden Dawn supporters protest against the construction of the official mosque of the Greek capital waving Greek flags. A male protester waves a giant Greek flag.
Far-right Golden Dawn supporters shout slogans as they protest in the Elaionas area of Athens, where the official mosque of the Greek capital is planned to be constructed.
Far right Golden Dawn supporters protest shouting slogans against the construction of the official mosque of the Greek capital waving Greek flags.
Golden Dawn MP Nikos Michos and Ilias Panagiotaros shout slogans against the planned construction of an official mosque in the Greek capital.
After the gathering Golden Dawn supporters march in Athens for the first time since the murder of the anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas, who was stabbed to death by a Golden Dawn member.
"No mosque in Athens" written on the banner that Golden Dawn supporters hold during the anti-mosque rally.
Golden Dawn supporters march in Athens holding Greek flags, in protest against the construction of the official mosque of the Greek capital.
Golden Dawn supporters march in Athens holding Greek flags, in protest against the construction of the official mosque of the Greek capital.
Far-right Golden Dawn supporters march to protest in the Elaionas area of Athens, where the official mosque of the Greek capital is planned to be constructed.
A banner reads: "No mosque in Athens" as far-right Golden Dawn supporters gather to protest in the Elaionas area, where an official mosque of the Greek capital is planned to be constructed.
"No to the Islamization of Greece" written on the banner that Golden Dawn supporters hold during the anti-mosque rally.
Golden Dawn supporters march in Athens holding Greek flags, in protest against the construction of the official mosque of the Greek capital.
Far-right Golden Dawn supporters march in protest in the Elaionas area of Athens, where the official mosque of the Greek capital is planned to be constructed.
Golden Dawn supporters march in Athens holding Greek flags, in protest against the construction of the official mosque of the Greek capital.
Golden Dawn supporters march in Athens holding Greek flags, in protest against the construction of the official mosque of the Greek capital.
Golden Dawn MP Ilias Panagiotaros (L) steps onto a pickup truck while speaking to the protesters, during the anti-mosque rally.

For licensing images of this story, contact me.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Protest against residence auctions in Athens County Court

Members of collectives gathered outside Athens County Court and protested against the government's intention to lift the protection against the auctions of primary residences from January 1st, 2014, as demanded by foreign creditors.
This is a critical issue that concerns thousands of households, which in the period of crisis and memoranda fail to fulfill their obligations. From January 1, 2014 , if no other arrangements, the conditional protection of primary residence and any other property from auctions, is lifted. Besides the level of protection from auctions for debts up to 200,000 euros to banks is repealed. At the same time there will be no protection for debts to the State and to Insurance Funds. Athens. Greece, 11 December, 2013.

Grèce : Des propriétaires dans la rue contre le risque de saisie de leurs biens
Quelques centaines de personnes se sont rassemblées devant le tribunal d'Athènes, mercredi 11 décembre 2013, contre les saisies de leur propriétés et leur mise aux enchères qui les menacent.

Citizens and Members of collectives protest outside Athens County Court holding a banner that reads: "You will not get our homes".

Citizens and Members of collectives protest outside Athens County Court the government's intention to lift the protection against the auctions of primary residence from 1st January 2014, as demanded by foreign creditors.

Citizens and members of collectives protest against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while holding a banner that reads "Stop Auctions! No home on the State - Banker's hand".

Citizens and members of collectives protest against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while holding a banner that reads "Stop Auctions! No home on the State - Banker's hand".

Citizens and members of collectives protest against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while holding a banner that reads "Stop Auctions! No home on the State - Banker's hand".

Citizens and members of collectives shouting slogans against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while holding a banner that reads "Stop Auctions!".

Citizens and members of collectives shouting slogans against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while holding a banner that reads "Stop Auctions!".

Citizens and members of collectives march around the Athens County Court, protesting and shouting slogans against residence auctions, while holding a banner that reads: "You will not get our homes".

Citizens and members of collectives shouting slogans against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while holding a banner that reads "You will not get our homes".

Citizens and members of collectives shouting slogans against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while holding a banner that reads "You will not get our homes".


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Friday, December 6, 2013

Greece: Police break up students protest in memory of Alexis Grigoropoulos

Athens, Greece, 6 December 2013

About 2,500 high school students march in Athens to mark the fifth anniversary of the fatal police shooting of the teenager Alexis Grigoropoulos.
Police breaks up protest thus cancelling the following planned concert.
Riot police practice ''kettling'' tactics to the students protesters and besides allow them to go away after having suffered body search.
Citizens complain shouting that teenage girls suffered body search by Riot squads.

Αθήνα 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2013.
Μαθητική πορεία για Γρηγορόπουλο: Διαμαρτυρίες για σωματική έρευνα κοριτσιών από ΜΑΤ.
Χιλιάδες μαθητές παίρνουν μέρος στην πορεία διαμαρτυρίας για την 5η επέτειο της μνήμης του Αλέξανδρου Γρηγορόπουλου, που γίνεται υπό την έντονη επιτήρηση και την προκλητικότητα των αστυνομικών δυνάμεων. Τα Προπύλαια πολιορκούνται από τα ΜΑΤ, που διαλύουν την πορεία και εγκλωβίζουν εκατοντάδες μαθητές και μαθήτριες που βρίσκονται εκεί για την προγραμματισμένη συναυλία.
Εκατοντάδες άτομα, στην πλειονότητά τους ανήλικα παιδιά, παραμένουν περικυκλωμένα σχεδόν μία ώρα στο περιστύλιο και στα σκαλιά της Πρυτανείας, υπό ασφυκτικό αστυνομικό κλοιό. Τα ΜΑΤ επιτρέπουν σε όσους μαθητές και μαθήτριες βρίσκονται εκεί να φύγουν μόνο αφότου περάσουν από εξονυχιστικό σωματικό έλεγχο.
Πολίτες διαμαρτύρονται για τον λόγο ότι κορίτσια υπέστησαν σωματικό έλεγχο από άνδρες αστυνομικούς.

. .
A hat of a Police officer decorates a statue in front of the Athens University during the gathering.
About 2,500 high school students march in Athens center, during the protest in commemoration of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos by a Police officer, five years ago. Banner reads: “We live for today, we struggle for tomorrow”.
Students shout slogans against Police brutality during the protest.
Students shout and gesture to the Police who closely follow the protest from the sidewalks.
Riot Police in full gear follow and surround the high schoolers protesters from the sidewalks.
Riot Police in full gear pass outside The Bank Of Greece while following and surrounding the high schoolers protesters from the sidewalks.
Riot Police in full gear follow and surround the high school students protesters from the sidewalks. Two pedestrians passing by the area, feel uncomfortable by Police presence and run away.
High school students march in front of the Parliament, during the protest in commemoration of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos by a Police officer, five years ago. Banner reads: “We live for today, we struggle for tomorrow”.
Riot Police in full gear follow and surround the high school students protesters from the sidewalks in front of an anti-fascist slogan written on the wall.
A small group of stone-throwing youths who appeared at the end of the peaceful protest cause damage to the traffic light.
Police use tear gas in the area of the University.
Riot Policemen surround the students protesters at the University area and break up the protest.
Riot Policemen surround the students protesters at the University area and break up the protest.
Riot police kettling the students protesters and besides allow them to go away after having suffered body search.
Riot Policemen stay in front of the Athens University since they have already broken up the protest and cancelled the following planned concert of the students.
Riot Policemen stay in front of the Athens University since they have already broken up the protest and cancelled the following planned concert of the students.
Riot Policemen stay in front of the Athens University since they have already broken up the protest and cancelled the following planned concert of the students.


For licensing images or footage of this story, contact me by clicking here.

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