Members of collectives gathered outside Athens County Court and protested against the government's intention to lift the protection against the auctions of primary residences from January 1st, 2014, as demanded by foreign creditors.
This is a critical issue that concerns thousands of households, which in the period of crisis and memoranda fail to fulfill their obligations.
From January 1, 2014 , if no other arrangements, the conditional protection of primary residence and any other property from auctions, is lifted.
Besides the level of protection from auctions for debts up to 200,000 euros to banks is repealed.
At the same time there will be no protection for debts to the State and to Insurance Funds.
Athens. Greece, 11 December, 2013.
Grèce : Des propriétaires dans la rue contre le risque de saisie de leurs biens Quelques centaines de personnes se sont rassemblées devant le tribunal d'Athènes, mercredi 11 décembre 2013, contre les saisies de leur propriétés et leur mise aux enchères qui les menacent.
Citizens and Members of collectives protest
outside Athens County Court holding a banner that reads: "You will not
get our homes". |
Citizens and Members of collectives protest
outside Athens County Court the government's intention to lift the
protection against the auctions of primary residence from 1st January
2014, as demanded by foreign creditors. |
Citizens and members of collectives protest
against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while holding a
banner that reads "Stop Auctions! No home on the State - Banker's hand". |
Citizens and members of collectives protest
against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while holding a
banner that reads "Stop Auctions! No home on the State - Banker's hand". |
Citizens and members of collectives protest
against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while holding a
banner that reads "Stop Auctions! No home on the State - Banker's hand". |
Citizens and members of collectives shouting
slogans against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while
holding a banner that reads "Stop Auctions!". |
Citizens and members of collectives shouting
slogans against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while
holding a banner that reads "Stop Auctions!". |
Citizens and members of collectives march around
the Athens County Court, protesting and shouting slogans against
residence auctions, while holding a banner that reads: "You will not get
our homes". |
Citizens and members of collectives shouting
slogans against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while
holding a banner that reads "You will not get our homes". |
Citizens and members of collectives shouting
slogans against residence auctions outside Athens County Court while
holding a banner that reads "You will not get our homes". |
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