Sunday, December 31, 2017

Lunar Scenic 2017

4K Video: Time lapse: Lunar eclipse occurs as full moon rises over ancient Temple in Greece

Time lapse: Full moon rises over Temple of Poseidon in Cape Sounion, Greece, as partial lunar eclipse occurs.
Shooting location: Cape Sounion, Attica, on 7 August 2017.

4K Video: Moon rises over the Acropolis in Athens

Time Lapse: An almost full moon rises over the Acropolis in Athens on the last day of 2017.
Shooting location: Athens Greece on 31 December 2017.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Greece: Football fans attack Pakistanis holding a religious march

Clashes erupt in Athens on Sunday when football fans attack Pakistanis holding a march celebrating a religious holiday marking Prophet Muhammad birth anniversary. Associated Press reports that Greek police have used stun grenades and tear gas to disperse a violent altercation between supporters of a soccer club and members of Athens’ Pakistani community. Athens, Greece 26 November 2017.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Greece: Muslim student not allowed to be flag-bearer

Amir Hussein is 11 years old and he comes from Herat Afghanistan. As many other refugee kids he attends to the Greek school in Athens. He was drawn to be the flag bearer in the school parade on the National Holiday and he was very happy for that.
After this the Greek State News Agency made interviews with him and released this official news bulletin to the media:
a. Link:
 b. Saved page: ΑΠΕ-ΜΠΕ_Ένα προσφυγόπουλο από το Αφγανιστάν σημαιοφόρος στην παρέλαση

Strangely when all publicity was gone his teacher said to Amir Hussein that he is not allowed to be flag-bearer because he is a Muslim.
Today at the parade of the 6th Elementary School in Daphne region of the Greek capital, the young boy was really depressed.
Athens Greece, 28 October 2017.

Video: Greece: Muslim student not allowed to be flag-bearer

Text in Greek language:
Και αφού κληρώθηκε για σημαιοφόρος ο 11χρονος Αμίρ, του έκαναν συνεντεύξεις και τον μοίραζαν στα περιοδικά και τις εφημερίδες, μόλις πέρασε η δημοσιότητα του λένε: Δεν θα είσαι σημαιοφόρος γιατί είσαι μουσουλμάνος! Και έδωσαν σε άλλον την σημαία.
Ενδεικτικά: το δελτίο του ΑΠΕ ότι ο Αμίρ θα είναι σημαιοφόρος:
(saved page)
Από την παρέλαση του 6ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου στο Δήμο Δάφνης. Αθήνα 28 Οκτωβρίου 2017.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Muslims in Greece self-flagellate to mark day of Ashura

Shi'ite Muslim community in Piraeus (port of Athens, Greece) marks the day of Ashura with tears, prayer, and self-flagellation. The religious festival of Ashura commemorates the killing of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohamed, by armies of the caliph Yazid in 680 AD. Tradition holds that the revered imam was decapitated and his body mutilated in the Battle of Karbala.
Piraeus, Greece 1 October 2017.


Muslims in Greece self-flagellate to mark day of Ashura from Epoca Libera.

Hundreds of Muslims march in central Athens, Greece to mark the Shiite religious holiday of Ashura, on September 30, 2017. Ashura commemorates the killing of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammed, by armies of the caliph Yazid in 680 AD. Tradition holds that the revered imam was decapitated and his body mutilated in the Battle of Karbala.

Video: Hundreds of Shia Muslims march in Athens to mark Ashura

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Greece: Protesters rally outside US embassy in memory of Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer

Activists rallied in front of the US Embassy in Athens to honor Heather Heyer the antifascist murdered in Charlottesville, US. The protesters chanted slogans against fascism and against racism and against the President Donald Trump.  Greek police blocked the area of the US Embassy with vans so that the protesters could not approach.
Heather died in the age of 32, when a 20 year old white supremacist/neonazi driver slammed into a crowd of counter protesters during a rally in Charlottesville, Pennsylvania.
Athens, Greece 17 August 2017.


= Watch Full HD version of the video at Youtube link (opens in a new page): Greece: Protesters rally outside US Embassy to honor Heather Heyer

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Η πολύχρωμη πορεία του 2ου Patras Pride

Το ουράνιο τόξο ανέτειλε το βράδυ του Σαββάτου στον Μόλο της Αγίου Νικολάου στην πόλη της Πάτρας. Εκατοντάδες άτομα της ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ κοινότητας διαδήλωσαν γιορτάζοντας την διαφορετικότητα και απελευθέρωση και δήλωσαν την εναντίωσή τους τους κατά των διακρίσεων, του ρατσισμού και της καταπίεσης.
Πάτρα 24 Ιούνη 2017.


 Watch the HD version of the video on:
- Youtube at the link (opens in a new page): Η πολύχρωμη πορεία του 2ου Patras Pride
- Vimeo: click here

Text in English language:
The colorful parade of Patras Pride in southwest Greece.
Hundreds of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex community (LGBTQI) of the city of Patras located in southwest Greece, joined by their families, friends, officials and representatives of civil society organizations, paraded in the streets and the harbor of the city on Saturday to celebrate diversity and denounce oppression and stigmatization based on sexual orientation.
Patras, Greece 24 June 2017.

Η Στέλλα Μπελιά μιλά για την παιδοθεσία στο Patras Pride
Η ομιλία της Στέλλας Μπελιά από τις "Οικογένειες Ουράνιο Τόξο" με θέμα: “E όχι και παιδοθεσία! Θεσμοθετημένη ομοφοβία και τρανσφοβία” που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο πλαίσιο του 2ου Patras Pride.

Video: Η Στέλλα Μπελιά μιλά για την παιδοθεσία στο Patras Pride

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Thousands join Thessaloniki Pride Parade to celebrate diversity and fight stigmatization

More than 13,000 members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex community (LGBTI) of Greece joined by their families, friends, officials and representatives of civil society organizations, paraded in the streets of Thessaloniki in northern Greece on Saturday, to celebrate diversity and denounce stigmatization based on sexual orientation. Mayor of Thessaloniki, Yiannis Boutaris marched ahead of the rainbow flag, leading the 6th annual Pride Parade of the city.
Thessaloniki, Greece, 17 June 2017.


 Watch the HD version of the video on:
- Youtube at the link (opens in a new page): Η Μεγάλη Παρέλαση του Thessaloniki Pride 2017
- Vimeo: click here

Text in Greek language:
 Πάνω από 13.000 άτομα της LGBTI κοινότητας πήραν μέρος στη Μεγάλη Παρέλαση του Thessaloniki Pride 2017 γιορτάζοντας την διαφορετικότητα και απελευθέρωση και για να δηλώσουν την εναντίωσή τους στο συντηρητικό παρελθόν. Η παρέλαση πραγματοποιήθηκε παρόντος του Δημάρχου Θεσσαλονίκης Γιάννη Μπουτάρη που απηύθυνε χαιρετισμό και πήρε μέρος στην πορεία.
Θεσσαλονίκη 17 Ιούνη, 2017.

Far-right counter protesters attempt to stop Thessaloniki Pride Parade
A group of 20 far-right counter protesters attempted to attack and stop Thessaloniki LGBTQI crowded Pride Parade, while shouting anti-gay slurs. They also shouted homophobic slogans against the Mayor of Thessaloniki. They were stopped by Riot Police. None of them was detained.
Thessaloniki, Greece, 17 June 2017.


 Watch the HD version of the video on:
- Youtube at the link (opens in a new page): Ακροδεξιοί επιχείρησαν να διαλύσουν το Thessaloniki Pride
- Vimeo: click here

Text in Greek language:
Ακροδεξιοί επιχείρησαν να διαλύσουν το Thessaloniki Pride
 Χωρίς επιτυχία ολιγομελής ομάδα ακροδεξιών προσπάθησε να σταματήσει την μεγάλη παρέλαση του Thessaloniki Pride. Tην στιγμή που η παρέλαση βρισκόταν στην οδό Τσιμισκή, ομάδα 20 ακροδεξιών προσπάθησαν με κάδους σκουπιδιών να εμποδίσουν τη διέλευσή της φωνάζοντας υβριστικά συνθήματα. Τελικά απωθήθηκαν από αστυνομικές δυνάμεις, ενώ δεν έγινε καμία προσαγωγή. Θεσσαλονίκη 17 Ιούνη 2017.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Thousands join Athens Pride parade held by LGBTQI community to celebrate diversity

Thousands of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex community (LGBTQI) of Greece, joined by their families, friends, officials and representatives of civil society organizations, paraded in the streets of central Athens on Saturday to celebrate diversity and denounce stigmatization based on sexual orientation.
Athens, Greece, 10 June 2017.


Text in Greek language:
 Η Παρέλαση Υπερηφάνειας του Athens Pride 2017.
Για πρώτη φορά το Φεστιβάλ Υπερηφάνειας της Αθήνας 2017 έγινε στην πλατεία Συντάγματος και προσέλκυσε χιλιάδες κόσμου. Με κεντρικό σύνθημα "Θέμα Παιδείας" το απόγευμα του Σαββάτου έγινε η παρέλαση υπερηφάνειας στο κέντρο της πρωτεύουσας, ενώ το βράδυ ακολoύθησε μεγάλη συναυλία.
Αθήνα 10 Ιουνίου 2017.

= Watch Full HD version of the video at Youtube link (opens in a new page): Η Παρέλαση Υπερηφάνειας του Athens Pride 2017

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Delivery workers strike and hold a motorized protest through Athens

Motorbike couriers and delivery workers on motorcycles launched a 24-hours strike, and hold a protest ride through #Athens on Thursday.
Hundreds of couriers and food delivery workers drove their motorcycles and scooters ahead of Parliament in downtown Athens to protest low wages and demand corporate motorbikes, protection equipment, a collective bargain that will secure payments including overtime as well as social security stamps for ‘unhealthy professions’ and the introduction of their professional description as “Motorbike Driver-Courier.”
It is estimated that around 30,000 people work as couriers and in food delivery in Attica area alone. Workers say they are underpaid and that most of them have no insurance.
Athens Greece 25 May 2017.

Video: Delivery workers strike in Greece & hold a protest ride through Athens

Text in Greek language:
 Μεγάλη απεργιακή μοτοπορεία από τους διανομείς.
Η Συνέλευση Βάσης Εργαζομένων Οδηγών Δικύκλου γνωστοί ως διανομείς ή ντελιβεράδες, πραγματοποίησαν το πρωί της Πέμπτης συγκέντρωση και μεγάλη μοτοπορεία στην Αθήνα που ξεκίνησε από το Πεδίον του Άρεως. Τα αιτήματά τους, εταιρικό μηχανάκι, μέσα ατομικής προστασίας, ένσημα βαρέα και ανθυγιεινά και ενιαία ειδικότητα. Αθήνα 25 Μάη 2017.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Παιχνίδι στην αυτοσχέδια κούνια από συρματόπλεγμα στο Ελληνικό

"Μικρό πουλί τριανταφυλλί, δεμένο με κλωστίτσα,
με τα σγουρά φτεράκια του στον ήλιο πεταρίζει.
Κι αν το τηράξεις μια φορά, θα σου χαμογελάσει
κι αν το τηράξεις δυο και τρεις, θ’ αρχίσεις το τραγούδι."
Γιάννης Ρίτσος

Παιχνίδι στην αυτοσχέδια κούνια από συρματόπλεγμα στο Ελληνικό 23.05.2017.


Text in English language:

Children play with a makeshift swing at refugee camp in Greece.
"Little rosy bird, held by bit of string
its curly little wings, fluttering in the sun.
Look at it once, it will smile at you
look at it two times or three, you will start a song" Yiannis Ritsos.

Children play with a makeshift swing, made of wire mesh at Elliniko refugee camp, on the outskirts of Athens. Of the 62,000 refugees and migrants in Greece, more than a half are women and children according to the International Rescue Committee.
Athens, Greece 23 May 2017.

= Watch Full HD version of the video at Youtube link (opens in a new page): Παιχνίδι στην αυτοσχέδια κούνια από συρματόπλεγμα στο Ελληνικό

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Fundamentalists in Greece protest over mosque and electronic ID

Greek Orthodox Christian Fundamentalists hold a rally on Sunday evening outside the Parliament in Athens, against "satanic" ID cards, bank cards, tax numbers "which have the sign of the Antichrist" as they say.
They also protest against the city's first official mosque that is about to be built by the Government.
"We are ready to loose our life against the mosque! Greece is a land of saints and heroes and there is no place for a mosque" a priest says.
 Athens Greece 21 May 2017.

Text in Greek language:
Στα Προπύλαια και έξω από την Βουλή διαδήλωσαν το βράδυ της Κυριακής φανατικοί ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί και ζηλωτές ιερωμένοι ενάντια στην κάρτα του πολίτη, αλλά και ενάντια στο Μουσουλμανικό Τέμενος της Αθήνας που κτίζεται.
"Θα δώσουμε και την ζωή μας για να μη γίνει Τζαμί" δηλώνουν χαρακτηριστικά, ενώ η ρητορική τους χαρακτηρίζεται από αντισημιτισμό και ισλαμοφοβία.
Αθήνα 21 Μάη 2017.

= Watch Full HD version of the video at Youtube link (opens in a new page): "Και την ζωή μας ενάντια στο τέμενος και τη κάρτα του πολίτη" διαδηλώνουν

Friday, May 19, 2017

Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης: Αυτή είναι η πολιτική πρόταση του DiEM25

Τις επτά τομές που χρειάζεται η χώρα για να μπει στον δρόμο της ανάκαμψης παρουσίασε την Παρασκευή το βράδυ ο συνιδρυτής του DiEM25 και πρώην υπουργός οικονομικών Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης στη πρώτη μεγάλη ανοιχτή συγκέντρωση του DiEM25 στην Αθήνα στο Γήπεδο Σπόρτιγκ. "Ναι, έχω κόλλημα με το χρέος όπως ένας αιχμάλωτος πολέμου με την απόδραση"τόνισε.  Όπως χαρακτηριστικά αναφερόταν στο κάλεσμα της εκδήλωσης: "Όσο εκείνοι ψηφίζουν τα μέτρα της δήθεν «αξιολόγησής» τους, εξαναγκάζοντας το Κοινοβούλιο σε έναν ακόμη αυτο-εξευτελισμό, εμείς, χωρίς θυμό αλλά με ανεξάντλητη αποφασιστικότητα, επαναφέρουμε την Ελπίδα, την Λογική και την Αξιοπρέπεια."
Αθήνα 19 Μάη 2017.

Video: Βαρουφάκης: Αυτή είναι η πολιτική πρόταση του DiEM25

Βασίλης  Βασιλικός "Χρωστάω στον Βαρουφάκη ότι μας ξανάδωσε την εθνική μας περηφάνια"
Κατά της διάρκεια της πρώτης συγκέντρωσης του κινήματος DiEM25 στην Αθήνα που έγινε την Παρασκευή το βράδυ στο Σπόρτιγκ.
Στην εκδήλωση αυτή , ο πρώην υπουργός Οικονομικών Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης, μεταξύ άλλων παρουσίασε τις επτά τομές που χρειάζεται η χώρα για να μπει στον δρόμο της ανάκαμψης.
Αθήνα 19 Μάη 2017.

Video: Βαρουφάκης: Αυτή είναι η πολιτική πρόταση του DiEM25

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Greece adopts more austerity measures amidst violent protests

Greek lawmakers have approved more pension cuts and tax hikes sought by international lenders to unlock another bailout, as angry demonstrators protested outside parliament against the new round of austerity.
 People took to the streets of Greece’s capital for two consecutive days.

Athens Greece 18 May 2017.
Protesters threw Molotov cocktails and other projectiles at the police outside the Greek parliament on Thursday, while the lawmakers were inside debating new austerity measures.
Police fired tear gas and pepper spray.
Hours ahead of a vote on a new memorandum that is expected to bring more austerity to crisis-stricken Greece, demonstrators clashed with police at the doorsteps of the parliament in Syntagma Square.
Greeks demand end to austerity reforms and people took to the streets of Greece’s capital for the second consecutive day to protest new pension and tax-break cut.
An estimated 10,000 to 15,000 people gathered in front of the parliament building in Athens' Syntagma Square.


 Watch the 4K resolution version of the video on:
- Youtube at the link (opens in a new page): Molotov cocktails at the Greek parliament as lawmakers vote new austerity -4K
- Vimeo click here

Athens, Greece 17 May 2017.
Clashes erupt between anti #austerity protesters and riot police outside Parliament on general strike day in #Greece. At the same time Greek lawmakers prepare to approve another austerity package as demanded by the country’s debtors.

 Athens, Greece, 17 May 2017.
Thousands protest new #austerity package during 24 hour nationwide general strike in #Greece on Wednesday. One day later on Thursday, lawmakers from the coalition SYRIZA-ANEL government, will vote in favor of the measures


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Hundreds join Immortal Regiment march and V-Day celebrations in Greece

The "Immortal Regiment" march in commemoration of Soviet soldiers who died in combat during World War Two, took place in central Athens on Tuesday evening. Members of the Russian community in Greece along with immigrants from the former USSR countries marched in Syntagma square and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier holding portraits of relatives who took part in World War Two and lost their life fighting against Nazism and Fascism. The celebrations marking the 72nd anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany continued with a concert at the Zappeion Megaron Hall of Athens and ended with spectacular fireworks.
It is said that the daughter of Soviet hero, Meliton Kantaria, was among the people who marched to celebrate Russian Victory Day in Athens.
Athens, Greece, 9 May 2017.

Video: Hundreds join Immortal Regiment march and V-Day celebrations in Greece -4K

Text in Greek language:
Πορεία μνήμης για τη Μέρα της Αντιφασιστικής Νίκης: Εκατοντάδες Ρώσοι και πολίτες των πρώην σοβιετικών χωρων συγκεντρώθηκαν στην πλατεία Συντάγματος, και πραγματοποίησαν την πορεία της «Αθάνατης Στρατιάς», μία πορεία μνήμης και τιμής, με αφορμή την Μεγάλη Αντιφασιστική Νίκη. Η συγκέντρωση και η πορεία πραγματοποιήθηκε μετά από κάλεσμα της Ομοσπονδίας των συλλόγων μεταναστών από τις χώρες της πρώην ΕΣΣΔ, η οποία τονίζει σε ανακοίνωσή της: «72 χρόνια μετά, το τέρας του φασισμού σηκώνει κεφάλι. Οι νεοναζί σπέρνουν το μίσος και το ρατσισμό και δολοφονούν, από το Ντονμπάς μέχρι το Κερατσίνι. Όμως ο αγώνας της μνήμης ενάντια στη λήθη θα νικήσει, η Μέρα της Νίκης θα γιορταστεί επικαιροποιημένη στους σύγχρονους αγώνες ενάντια στο φασισμό».
Στο κάλεσμά της η Ομοσπονδία ζητούσε εκτός από τη συμμετοχή τους να φέρουν μαζί τους και τη φωτογραφία κάποιου συγγενικού προσώπου ή κάποιου επώνυμου που συμμετείχε στον αντιφασιστικό αγώνα 1940-1945. «Για να τιμήσουμε όσους πάλεψαν με το όπλο ή την προκήρυξη στο χέρι, στις διαδηλώσεις, στις απεργίες, τα σαμποτάζ, στα κρατητήρια ή μπροστά στα εκτελεστικά αποσπάσματα».
Αθήνα 9 Μάη 2017.

Video: Russian expats in Greece join 2017 Immortal Regiment march in Athens

On Sunday evening, that was two days before Victory Day, Russian expats in Greece joined another Immortal Regiment march in Syntagma square.
The mourners were carrying portraits of their relatives who fought in the war and banners of the 'Immortal Regiment'. Multiple flags were also seen in the march, including those of Russia and Greece.
Similar events are being held around the world, with thousands of people across the globe marching in commemoration of their loved ones who fought in World War Two.
Athens Greece 7 May 2017.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Greece: Cavalcade through Athens launches documenta14 exhibition

Greece: documenta14 exhibition launch event: The Athens - Kassel Ride : "The Transit of Hermes" conceived by Ross Birrell.
The documenta 14 art exhibition got off to an official start on Sunday with a unique event, as a cavalcade of horses and riders wound its way through Sunday crowds beneath the Acropolis, beginning a journey to Kassel, Germany.
The idea of the Athens–Kassel Ride was conceived by Scottish artist Ross Birrell and was inspired by the horseback ride that Swiss author Aimé Félix Tschiffely carried out in the 1920s from Buenos Aires to New York. Birrell describes his project as "Hermes' Transition" since the cavalcade includes a Greek thoroughbred 'Aravani' horse from the mountains of Arcadia named Hermes.
Talking about the significance of the horseback journey through Europe, documenta14 artistic director Adam Szymczyk said it was a "line we are drawing that links many European countries."
"We were aware from the start of the complexity and cost of the journey but it is a long and beautiful journey. First of all for the riders and the people in the cities that will experience it and secondly as an allegoric journey through unknown places that strengthens the relationship between horse and human, a two-way relationship of taming and culture that is forgotten. Whatever happens is part of the journey," he said.
This year, for the first time, the exhibition will be "shared" between Athens and Kassel, taking place in the Greek capital between April 8 and July 16 and in Kassel from June 10 until September 17.
Athens Greece 9 April 2017.

Video: Greece: Cavalcade through Athens launches documenta14 exhibition -4K

Έφιππη πομπή από την Αθήνα στο Κάσσελ.
Η πομπή των αλόγων με τους αναβάτες τους σήμερα στον πεζόδρομο της Διονυσίου Αρεοπαγίτου σηματοδότησε την έναρξη των εκδηλώσεων της documenta 14.
Ποιά η σημασία ενός έφιππου ταξιδιού στα ίχνη της παλιάς «διαδρομή των περιηγητών» ανά την Ελλάδα, την πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας, Σερβία, Κροατία, Σλοβενία, Αυστρία, Γερμανία;
«Είναι μια γραμμή που τραβάμε και συνδέει πολλές ευρωπαϊκές χώρες. Γνωρίζαμε εξ αρχής την πολυπλοκότητα και το κόστος του ταξιδιού αλλά πρόκειται για ένα μακρύ και ωραίο ταξίδι. Κατ' αρχήν για τους αναβάτες και τους ανθρώπους των πόλεων που θα το βιώσουν και δευτερευόντως μια αλληγορική πορεία σε άγνωστους τόπους που ενδυναμώνει τη σχέση του αλόγου με τον άνθρωπο, μια σχέση αμφίδρομης εξημέρωσης και πολιτισμού ξεχασμένη. Ό,τι προκύψει θα είναι μέρος του ταξιδιού» χαιρέτησε ο Άνταμ Σίμτσικ καλλιτεχνικός διευθυντής της documenta 14, κηρύσσοντας την έναρξη των εκδηλώσεων.
Αθήνα, 9 Απριλίου 2017.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Antifa protest against Golden Dawn blocked by police

=Massive antifa protest march in Greece demanding the closure of the Golden Dawn headquarters, due to attack on student.=
A massive antifascist protest march took place in Athens on Saturday. Hundreds of demonstrators demanded the closure of the far right party "Golden Dawn" headquarters. The demonstrators were blocked by police before reaching the area of the far right party offices.

During last week, a 42-year-old member of Golden Dawn has been taken to the prosecutor on charges of aggravated assault after beating a 24-year-old student named Alexis Lazaris.  The suspect, who works in the GD office and has worked in the past in the parliamentary office of GD leader Nikos Michaloliakos, was identified by eye-witnesses.
The student  was heavily beaten and seriously injured just hours after unknown assailants attacked a branch of the party in Athens last week. Media speak of retaliation attack.

The parents of the student Alexis Lazaris took part at the demonstration today.
Athens Greece, 8 April 2017.


- Watch the 4K resolution version of the video on Youtube at the link (opens a new page): Greece: Antifa protest against Golden Dawn blocked by police -4K

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Greek farmers armed with shepherd’s crooks fight police over tax hikes

Greek farmers armed with shepherd's crooks and stones fought riot police in a violent protest against tax hikes outside the Ministry of Agriculture in Athens.
More than 1,000 farmers, many of whom had traveled overnight from the island of Crete took part in the protest while police used tear gas and stun grenades and arrested at least three people.
As protesters are angry at increases in their tax and social security contributions, a number of farmers smashed windows of two police buses and burned a flag of the ruling party SYRIZA.
Athens, Greece, 08 March 2017.


- Watch the 4K resolution version of the video on Youtube at the link (opens a new page): Greek farmers fight police in Athens over tax hikes -4K

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Le printemps

Springtime flowering almond trees shot in the center of Athens, Greece.
1 March 2017.

4K Video: Le printemps


Le printemps à Athènes

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Greece: Welcome rally for the reception of refugee elementary students

Parents, students and local authorities warmly welcomed 27 refugee children at the 15th Public Elementary School of Nikaia, Athens suburb in Greece .
The children went to the school as part of the new Host Structures for the Refugee Education school program, under the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.
Piraeus, Greece 31 January 2017.


- Watch the 4K resolution version of the video on Youtube at the link (opens a new page): Greece: Welcome rally for the reception of refugee elementary students

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Greece: Demonstration in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington

Hundreds of women took part in the Women's March in front of the US Embassy in Athens, raised placards and shouted slogans against Donald Trump and against policies of bigotry, xenophobia, racism and hate.
Protest rallies were held in over 30 countries around the world in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington in defense of press freedom, women's and human rights following the official inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America in Washington, DC, USA.
Athens, Greece, 21 January 2017.

Video: Greece: Demo in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington