Next Sunday, on May 6th 2012, Greek people vote for a new Government. Here is a panorama, from the protests on a Sunday of last June. Ten of thousands of Greek people gathered then, and protested in Syntagma Square in Athens, against the austerity measures. It was called the Indignant Sunday. These peaceful protests ended in clashes with Riot Police after a few weeks.
Things since last June have not changed in Greece. Indeed the situation is worse, with more than one million registered unemployed and poverty threatening the 21% of population.
After a few hours the polls will open and Greeks will vote and decide about their future.
Analysts predict that it will be an indignant protest vote on this Sunday.
Indignant Sunday panorama |
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This picture belongs to the story on this link, where the full resolution images can be found:
Indignant Sunday in Athens
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