Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tο γκράφιτι που κάλυψε το Πολυτεχνείο και έγινε σημείο αναφοράς

Σε σημείο αναφοράς της πόλης εξελίχτηκε αμέσως το ασπρόμαυρο γκράφιτι που εμφανίστηκε και καλύπτει το κτίριο του Πολυτεχνείου. Πολλοί περαστικοί σταματούν και το μελετούν, άλλοι το φωτογραφίζουν, ενώ τα ερωτήματα που τους προκαλεί η έντονη παρουσία του γίνονται κάποιες φορές αιτία να μιλήσουν άγνωστοι μεταξύ τους.
Σε άλλους αρέσει και σε άλλους όχι όπως είναι φυσικό.
Θεωρείται ότι είναι το μεγαλύτερο παράνομο έργο μοντέρνας τέχνης που έχει γίνει από γκραφιτάδες στην Αθήνα, και λέγεται ότι το υπογράφει η ομάδα «Icos & Case».
Ο προϊστάμενος της Εισαγγελίας Πρωτοδικών διέταξε τη διενέργεια κατεπείγουσας προκαταρκτικής εξέτασης για το εκτεταμένο γκράφιτι στους τοίχους του ιστορικού κτιρίου, που θα αναζητήσει τους υπαιτίους για την διάπραξη του αδικήματος της «διακεκριμένης φθοράς σε αντικείμενο που χρησιμεύει για κοινό όφελος».

Αθήνα 11 Μαρτίου 2015.

Huge graffiti covers historic building of central Athens
A giant black and white graffiti appeared on the walls of the National Technical University of Athens which quickly became the talk of town. Prosecutor has ordered an urgent preliminary investigation on this.
Athens, Greece 11 March 2015

Photo reportage:

Night-shot of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
Night-shot of a part of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
The giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
Night-shot of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
Night-shot of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
A young man seen dancing while passing in front of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens.
Αrchitect and activist Eleni Tzirtzilaki seen while observing the graffiti. She liked it and said that it is "what most interesting that has been done in the public space with inspiration and dialogue with the building".
A passenger makes a picture of the graffiti.
A detail of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
Passengers talking each other in response to the presence of the graffiti.
An elderly couple passing from the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens.
A bus stop covered of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
A part of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
A bus stop covered of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
A part of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
A part of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
Night-shot of a part of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
A bus stop covered of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
A bus stop covered of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
A detail of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
A detail of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.
A detail of the giant black and white graffiti that appeared on the walls of the historic building of the National Technical University of Athens, also known as Polytechnic.