An immigrant from Senegal died falling from a height, on the rails of the subway in Thiseio station in central Athens, during an operation of Municipal Police to remove street vendors from tourist area.
A big operation of Municipal Police started on Friday afternoon on the
touristic area of Thiseio, in central Athens, to remove immigrants from
the streets, who work as street vendors to live.
During this operation Cheikh Babacar Ndiaye a 37 years old immigrant
from Senegal, was chased and he died falling from a height, on the
rails of the subway in Thiseio station.
From the blood seen on the pictures possibly his death resulted from the fall.
Subway metro services were disrupted for at least two hours.
First aid assistants removed the body of the immigrant from the rails.
Meanwhile his friends gathered at the station, together with other people from Senegal.
Some of them mourned, but when they saw the stretcher with the dead body
they began to shout and protest. Some of them they shouted that Police
is racists.
Riot police arrived immediately and attacked the gathered people, and cleared the area around the station.
At the same moment of the attack the dead body of immigrant was moved to
an ambulance and left the area, for an unknown and undeclared
direction, in spite of the questions made on this.
The dead body of the immigrant lies on the rails of the subway. |
The dead body of the immigrant lies on the rails of the subway. Highlighted in spot his blood on the ground. |
People walk and continue their promenade
unconcerned in Thiseio area, as they do not know that at the same time
under their feet on the rails of the subway a man lies dead. |
Lights from the torches of policemen and first aid
assistants on the dead body of the immigrant that lies on the rails of
the subway. |
The dead body of the immigrant lies on the rails of the subway. Highlighted in spot his blood on the ground. |
The dead body of the immigrant lies on the rails of the subway. |
Laye, 30 years old, immigrant from Senegal, who is
a friend of the dead immigrant and saw the fatal police chase, mourns
for him. Lights from Acropolis and Parthenon temple in the background. |
Laye, 30 years old, immigrant from Senegal, who is
a friend of the dead immigrant and saw the fatal police chase, mourns
for him. Lights from Acropolis and Parthenon temple in the background. |
A friend of the dead immigrant collapses while he mourns. |
A friend of the dead immigrant collapses while he mourns and cries. |
People looking into the station of Thiseio. An Ambulance is seen and Acropolis and Parthenon temple in the background. |
People see the stretcher with the dead body of the immigrant from a window of Thiseio station. |
The stretcher with the dead body of the immigrant as seen from outside the station. |
Riot Police arrives to remove gathered people, and clear the area of the station. |
Riot Police arrives to removed gathered people,
and clear the area of the station. An Ambulance is seen and Acropolis
and Parthenon temple in the background. |
Riot Police attacks to the gathered people, to clear the area of the station. |
Riot Police attacks to the gathered people, to clear the area of the station. |
Riot Police attacks to the gathered people, to clear the area of the station. |
At the same moment of the Riot police attack the dead body of immigrant is moved to an ambulance. |
The point of the fatal fall of the immigrant, as seen when it dawned. Signs of blood are still visible. |
Video: Gathered people get angry and shout when they see the stretcher with the dead body and realize that the immigrant being chased by Police is dead.
UPDATES on the story:
1. "Protest over the death of immigrant Babacar Ndiaye in Athens"
2. "Senegalese migrants protest the death of Babacar Ndiaye in Athens"
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